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Join us in making a positive impact on eye health issues affecting millions of children, families, and communities.


RANZCO provides administration and governance resources for the Foundation, making it possible for 100% of your donation to go to ANZEF’s projects.

ANZEF (via RANZCO as its official legal entity) is registered as a tax-deductible charitable organisation with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ABN 80 000 644 404) and with the New Zealand Government’s Charities Services (#CC53935).

Your generosity is making a difference. Please find ways to donate below.

Donate by credit card

Donations can be made online or by contacting us at: anzef@ranzco.edu

by EFT

Account name: ANZEF
BSB: 062016 Account No: 11614360
For international payments – SWIFT Code: CTBAAU2S
Please label the payment reference: ANZEF/Your name

To receive your tax receipt please email: anzef@ranzco.edu

Gifts in Wills and bequests

Leave a legacy to shape a better future

A bequest in a Will refers to the act of giving a gift of money or something you own to a person or organisation. The person or organisation receiving the item is the beneficiary.

It can be as simple as inserting either of the phrases below in your will:

I give [insert gift] to the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists (ABN 80 000 644 404) (RANZCO) for its purposes. It is my wish that this gift is allocated for its work through the Australian and New Zealand Eye Foundation (ANZEF).


I give the residuary of my estate to the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists (ABN 80 000 644 404) (RANZCO) for its purposes. It is my wish that this gift is allocated for its work through the Australian and New Zealand Eye Foundation.


If you would like to discuss making a donation or bequest contact our Head of Foundation:

Paula Llavallol

ANZEF gratefully acknowledges the following donors and supporters who have given permission for their name to be published.

Thank you for your support

We would also like to thank all the Fellows who support the Foundation through their RANZCO membership invoice contribution, as well as donors who prefer to remain anonymous.

ANZEF Donors and Supporters

ANZEF would not exist without the support of our community who shares the same passion for making excellent eye care available to everyone. Thank you for the difference you are making.

  • Mrs Roslyn Packer AC
    ANZEF Patron
  • A/Prof Smita Agarwal
  • Dr Ross Agnello
  • Dr Benjamin Au
  • Auckland Eye
  • Dr Stephen Bambery
  • Dr Clayton Barnes
  • Dr Kristin Bell and Prof Bruce Taylor
  • Dr Michael Birch
  • Dr Everardus Boets
  • Dr Christopher Brown
  • Dr Dermot Cassidy
  • A/Prof Andrew Chang
  • Dr Kevin Chee
  • Ms Beverley Clark
  • Dr Amy Cohn
  • Dr Diana Conrad
  • Prof Ian Constable AO
  • Prof Geoffrey Crawford
  • Prof John Crompton
  • A/Prof Mark Daniell
  • Dr Ian Davies
  • Dr Rosie Dawkins
  • Dr Roger Dethlefs
  • Ms Fiona Devine
  • Mr Barry Diletti
  • A/Prof James Elder
  • Ms Kaylene Elliott
  • Dr David Fabinyi
  • Dr Diana Farlow
  • Dr Andrew Field
  • The Finemore Family
  • Dr Benjamin Fleming
  • Ms Marie Fogarty
  • Dr Clare Fraser
  • A/Prof Samantha Fraser-Bell
  • Dr David Frazer
  • Dr Michelle Gajus
  • Dr Michael and Mrs Elizabeth Giblin
  • Dr Stephen Godfrey
  • Prof Ivan Goldberg AM
  • Ms Rachel Goldstein and Friends
  • Prof Glen Gole
  • Dr Emmanuel Gregory
  • Dr Robert Griffits
  • Prof John Grigg
  • Hon A/Prof Bruce Hadden CNZM
  • Mr Glenn Hale
  • Dr Anthony Bennett Hall
  • Ms Di Hallinan
  • Dr Brian Harrisberg
  • Dr Michael Haybittel
  • Dr Graham Hay-Smith and Mrs Peggy Ekeledo-Smith
  • Dr Alan Hilton
  • Dr Stephen Hing
  • Dr Richard Ho
  • Mr Harry Hohnen
  • Hobart Eye Surgeons
  • Dr Jenny Ip
  • Dr Arthur Karagiannis
  • Dr John Kennedy
  • Dr David Kent
  • Dr Vinu Kotur
  • Mr Richard Kwiatkowski
  • Dr Gary Leber
  • Ms Andrea Lee
  • Dr Anne Lee
  • Dr Lawrence Lee
  • Dr Elizabeth Livingstone
  • Ms Paula Llavallol
  • Dr Monica Lohchab
  • Prof Heather Mack
  • Prof Frank Martin AM
  • Prof Peter McCluskey
  • Dr John and Mrs Sally McKenzie
  • Dr Isabel McLean
  • Prof Richard Mills
  • Dr Logan Mitchell
  • Mr Ray Newey
  • Dr Vivek Phakey
  • Dr Vignesh Raja
  • Dr Grant Raymond
  • Dr Mark Renehan
  • Ms Melinda Rice
  • Ms Patricia Rodrigues OAM
  • Ms Clare Rolfe
  • Dr Allan Rosenberg
  • Dr Timothy Ruddell
  • Dr Hakki Semerli
  • Dr Diana Semmonds
  • Dr Dorian Sharota
  • Mr Stephen Shrimpton
  • Dr Kiran Sindhu
  • Dr Richard Stawell
  • Dr Charles Su
  • Dr Laurence Sullivan
  • Dr David Van Der Straaten
  • Miriam and Arnold van Rooijen
  • Prof Nitin Verma AM
  • Dr James Walker
  • Prof Stephanie Watson
  • Dr David Wechsler
  • Dr Ian Wechsler
  • Dr Sarah Welch and Ms Yvonne New
  • Dr Eline Whist
  • Mrs Stephanie Williams
  • The Yarranabbe Foundation

If your name is not shown here but you have donated to ANZEF and would like your name added to future acknowledgements, please email anzef@ranzco.edu